As with last year, I don't really see the point in building any suspense when it comes to sharing my favorite films. It's not like you've been holding your breath, wondering what I'm going to say. (And if you have, thanks for being such a big fan. And sorry for the lack of ceremony here...) The ...
2015 [in films]
When you've seen 160 films in the span of 365 days, you'd think it'd be easy to pick your favorites. You've seen enough that the cream should theoretically rise to the top, leaving all the mediocre movies to fade into memory. I suppose when I get down to it, that's true. I can tell you what my ...
2014 [on stage]
One list I didn't craft in 2013 was a list of shows I'd seen since moving to New York, most likely because I only had a half a year to draw from and didn't make it to many at all (Broadway tickets are expensive!) So when I started to pull together a list of what I saw in 2014, I decided to add in ...
2014 [in books]
While I'm proud of the bazillion movies I watched this year (and promise I've posted all I'm going to post about them!), I realize as I look back at the list of books I read just what all that time in front of a screen cost me. I have only have nine books on the list for 2014; in 2013, I managed to ...
2014 [in films], part ii
I recently posted the first fifteen films in my top 20 of 2014 - find them here. Below are the final five of that list, the films I both enjoyed above all and found the most critically compelling. I've mentioned I didn't find it a banner year in releases, but I suppose that's not entirely true; ...