Nice to Meet You
Hello! I’m Lisa, and I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been writing online for nearly two decades now, give or take (and offline for much longer than that), on my own sites, on independent outlets and with all the wit I can muster on Twitter. Over the years, my attention to on this little corner of the internet has ebbed and flowed, depending on where I am in my life—both literally and figuratively.
Between my writing for Third Coast Review and my client work with Bright Iris Film Co., for several years it seemed like there wasn’t much of me left to offer here at Somebody’s Miracle. But like a good friend you haven’t seen in years but can pick back up with like it’s been no time at all, the site’s still here and so am I.
Visit often to find my latest film reviews and recaps, my musings on what I’m reading and enjoying (or not), and the play-by-plays on all my adventures, both far-flung and closer to home. And if there’s ever anything you’d like to see more (or less) of, or you just feel like dropping a line, feel free to get in touch anytime. Let’s go!