The Oscars are a tricky beast. There really is no way to know who the Academy gods will favor, and any effort to hazard a guess is all but pointless. So let's! ...
The pull of GRAVITY, part two
As with part one, this post most certainly includes spoilers. Please don't read on if you have even the slightest intention of seeing the film, even on Netflix in six months. It's worth going in uninitiated. In another post recently, I focused on the incredible performance of Sandra Bullock in ...
The pull of GRAVITY, part one
In order to fully process all the awesome of Gravity, this post most assuredly contains spoilers. If you ever (even maybe) plan on seeing the film, I'd encourage you to skip this. If you've seen it, though - read on, and lemme know what you think, too! Several weeks ago, I saw a trailer ...
Coming Soon: October
I'm about 3 days late with this, but finally had some time to get together the first of monthly installments on what's hitting theaters as the year winds down. If October is any indicator of the films to come in 2013, we're in good shape indeed. These films encompass what's being called the ...