I don’t even know where to begin this. Disappear for months only to resurface with big news? What a cliche way to use a blog. I mean, really.
Welp. It’s been a wild ride these last few years, from Indiana to Utah to India to New York…why stop now? Chicago, here I come!
Everything’s happening so fast – just a few weeks ago I was introduced by a mutual friend, then interviewing, then zipping out to Chicago for a day of meetings, then getting an offer and sorting out details and timing and…phew! Now I can share it with all of you.
In just over a month, I’ll be back in the Windy City as Director of Marketing & Publicity at Music Box Films.
The only film distributor based in Chicago, it’s nevertheless making its mark in the industry – already known for releases like the original Girl With A Dragon Tattoo series, just the other day their film Ida won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Um, wow.
With what will be my 4th move in three years, this wasn’t exactly something I was planning on. Quite the opposite. I’d just landed in a perfectly wonderful apartment in a simply amazing neighborhood and was prepared to settle in, to stay put for a little while.
As it has a way of doing, the Universe had other plans.
I could (and probably will at some point) go on and on about why this is such a great move for me in so many ways, but it really boils down to a simple equation:
Dream job + Home town = No Brainer
Between now and the end of March, when I’m not in Chicago on the hunt for a new apartment, I’ll be soaking up as much NYC as I can before the movers come to bring me back to the Midwest. And I have a feeling this space will come back to life a bit along the way.
Fabulous news about a great opportunity. Glad you are coming home to the Midwest! Best wishes Lisa!