I suppose this is the part where I should share the latest and greatest in the post-India world I’m living in. A couple times a day I get this strange flash of memory – a vision of the Ganges, a mental view of Mumbai streets – and it hits me that these are my experiences, these are images I’ll forever be able to recall, because I really did fly to the other side of the world.
But then I realize I’m standing in the same shower, driving the same car, ordering the same drink from Starbucks that I had before I left. For as much as the trip changed me, not much has changed.
I’ve spent my first few days mainly trying to get back onto the right timezone – yesterday, I couldn’t keep my eyes open past 8pm and was awake by 6:30 this morning. I’m not sure how long it’ll take me to get on the right sleep schedule.
I’m also knee deep in laundry – for only having a carry-on bag, it sure seems like I packed a wardrobe-full. I’ve never been a fan of this particular chore, but feeling all those dingy clothes come out of the dryer warm and fresh has me thanking my stars I’ve got first-world laundry facilities.
I picked up Audrey from the boarders first thing, too. Surprisingly, she wasn’t as angry with me for abandoning her as I expected. Soon as we got back to the apartment, she poked around for a bit but seemed to quickly realize she knew where she was, jumping up to a shelf to curl up in her usual spot and following me around as I moved between rooms to unpack.
And of course, the job search continues. I’m anxious to get back to work, to have a directive, responsibilities. But I’m also ever so grateful to be in an OK spot for a few weeks while I find the right opportunity. Rent is covered, bills are paid and I’ve got enough of a little nest to keep me from starving at least through April. If nothing’s come up after that (though surely it will!), I’ll likely move on from Park City, pick up an odd job or two (any leads out there?) while I find a new city to call home and keep the dream alive for a dream gig. Not exactly what I’d planned when I first took the leap to work at Sundance and move on from Indy, but that’s OK. Everyone deserves a little breathing room.
Oh, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank each one of you for your sweet comments on my Ganesh post, even those of you you insist you don’t need the trinket in return. I may hold on to him for a few weeks, ask him to look out for me and my own new beginnings. From there, I’ll send him on to one of you to keep you company as needed, and who knows – maybe you can pass him on, too.