That last go round was fun! So, here’s what I’ve been enjoying this last week…well, ten days. I’ve decided to move these posts to Sundays. Seems like a better day for a weekly post like this, something to round out the week on (or start it, as it were). Looking through what I’ve got to share this week, it’s an eclectic list to say the least – but one that nevertheless kept me entertained!
I started last week by not answering emails after reading this feature from the Boston Globe bemoaning the Sunday night work night. It’s true that the nature of work has changed enormously since the dawn of the smart phone; I find myself triaging emails all weekend just to avoid an overwhelming inbox on Monday morning, if not knocking out a bit of work for an hour or two before crashing on Sunday nights. I’ll be rethinking that going forward.
When I first heard about a new book called Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own, I immediately added it to my To Read list. Awoman of my generation ruminating on the shape and state of living a singular life? This is my tribe. The author Kate Bolick’s interview on The Rumpus is just as insightful and genuine as I understand the book to be. She so eloquently articulates the outlines of this existence, it gives me a unique kind of perspective on the way my own life is playing out.
How many articles have we all read about how to get the most out of a day or how to do more with less, how to get ahead, how CEOs are so successful…all full of tips no one is really capable of sticking with. Enter The 7 Rules of Productivity, posted on this week. Talk about a dose of reality. Yes, we all get the same 24 hours in a day. No, we don’t have to suck every possible minute to within an inch of its life. If you’re doing the right things for you, you’re doing it right.
I’ve already written about how much I loved Spotlight, and with its theatrical opening this week, A.O. Scott at The New York Times does it better than I ever could. His review, from his observations on organizational dynamics to the focus on the newspaper’s perspective, is spot on, as one would expect from the paper of record’s chief critic.
Earlier this week, this piece from the Times popped up in my social feed, and I clicked through to quickly skim what I figured was a simple human interest story. I remember this time last year, bundling up to stand outside my building as the New York Marathon wound its way through Brooklyn, in awe of all these souls making the 26-mile trek. And later, on the train running errands, their exhausted, triumphant selves proudly wearing their medals and blankets. Perhaps that’s why I found myself in tears at the end of the short article about an Italian man lost then found again after the long run. In a city where one can quite easily get lost in the shuffle, my heart broke thinking about his anxiety and fear mounting as the city zipped by around him. Thank God he found his way home safely.
And because I enjoy a Buzzfeed distraction as much as the next gal, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t laugh my way through this list of Friends‘ best moments and hear every single one of them as if watching the actual gag all over again. That show never gets old.
Till next week!