I love a good documentary. And a good documentary, like any other film genre, is hard to come by. Last year's heavy-hitters like Blackfish and The Act Of Killing stood out in a pack of less-than-worthy non-fiction pics. This year, Citizenfour snuck up on me. As in, I hadn't heard anything about it ...
Documentary Times Three
It's been a bit since I've been to the movies. Like, a week and half or something? Which is forever in my world. But I went to a whole handful of flicks in very quick succession for a week or so...so I guess it evens out. And now, I'm finally posting about what I saw. Let's call it better late ...
Way, Way Worth It
Editor's note: yes, this post is way, way overdue (see what I did there?), but no matter. I still have things to say about the movie, and as we've previously established, it's my party and I'll post if I want to, post if I want to, post if I waaaaaant to. I think one of the reasons I appreciated ...